Osamu Tezuka Osamu Tezuka (born 3 November 1928 9 February 1989) was a Japanese manga artist, cartoonist and animator. Born in Osaka Prefecture, his prolific output, pioneering techniques and innovative redefinitions of genres earned him such titles as "the Father of Manga".
AstroBoy Astro Boy, known in Japan as Mighty Atom is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Osamu Tezuka.The story follows Astro Boy, an android young boy with human emotions who is created by Umataro Tenma after the recent death of his son Tobio. Eventually, Astro is sold to a robot circus run by Hamegg, but is saved from his servitude by Professor Ochanomizu. Astro becomes a surrogate son to Ochanomizu who creates a robotic family for Astro and helps him to live a normal life like an average human boy, while accompanying him on adventures.
手塚 治虫は、日本の漫画家、アニメ監督、医師。勲等は勲三等。学位は医学博士。 戦後日本においてストーリー漫画の第一人者として、漫画表現の開拓者的存在として活躍した。兵庫県宝塚市出身で同市名誉市民。出生は大阪府豊能郡豊中町。大阪帝国大学附属医学専門部卒業。
Osamu Tezuka
Osamu Tezuka (born 3 November 1928 9 February 1989) was a Japanese manga artist, cartoonist and animator. Born in Osaka Prefecture, his prolific output, pioneering techniques and innovative redefinitions of genres earned him such titles as "the Father of Manga".
Astro Boy, known in Japan as Mighty Atom is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Osamu Tezuka.The story follows Astro Boy, an android young boy with human emotions who is created by Umataro Tenma after the recent death of his son Tobio. Eventually, Astro is sold to a robot circus run by Hamegg, but is saved from his servitude by Professor Ochanomizu. Astro becomes a surrogate son to Ochanomizu who creates a robotic family for Astro and helps him to live a normal life like an average human boy, while accompanying him on adventures.